2013 Media Interest

2013-06-CalCPA-Cover-Photo-compressed.jpg2013 AICPA Accounting Competition - November, 2013 - This was the 4th annual case competition that the AICPA developed to increase awareness and for undergraduate students to demonstrate skills by taking on roles of financial planners for a virtual client. The winning team competed for a trip to Washington, D.C. Brooke was asked to served as a Semi Finalist Judge. More information for aspiring CPA's can be found at ThisWaytoCPA.com

The Wall Street Journal.com - October 15, 2013, In the Wealth Adviser "Voices" section, Brooke gives insight into a less technical, but equally important part of Financial Planning. She explains how she collaborates with clients in the article, "Helping Clients Reach their Personal Goals"

California CPA Magagine- California Society of CPA's - June 2013. Brooke is not only given the cover in this industry publication, but also writes the feature article, "Empowering Clients to Make Good Financial Decisions".

Credit.com Consumer Education - May 2013, In the blog post "Five Rules for Lending Money to Family and Friends" , Brooke offers some great advice to keep lending or borrowing within the family a positive experience.

Baltimore Sun-Business Section/Journey - April 26, 2013, Brooke helps to answer a retirement question regarding whether a lump sum or an annuity is best.

New TImes, Brides Issue - February 2013, Brooke contributes to the article "For love of Money", found on pages 6-8. Here Brooke advises that new couples can find that discussions about the future with the one you love can be very romantic.

KSBY News - January 25, 2013, Brooke is interviewed and gives advice regarding the right time to invest in your retirement. Video Link


CNN Money - November 20, 2012- The Help Desk- Personal Finance FAQ's, Brooke helps answer the question "How do I start Investing?"

CalCPA - June 2012 - Brooke Salvini is appointed to the CalCPA Education Foundation Investment Committee.


The Washington Post, Business - April 16, 2012, "Newlyweds take heed: 7 steps to steer clear of marital money problems" Here Brooke stresses the importance of money conversations and disclosures to new couples in order to create goals and budgets.

Pacific Coast Business Times - April 13-19, 2012, "Timing your Death: What a difference a day makes" Brooke gives advice for Estate Planning due to the upcoming changes for estate taxes.

AICPA - February, 2012 marks the 25 Year Anniversary of the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) Program. See this video celebrating 25 years of the PFS credential and the significance of CPAs advising individuals. AICPA PFS Anniversary Video Link

CalCPA - January 18th, 2012 - Brooke attends "CPA Day at the Capitol" in Sacramento, California, and is pictured with fellow CPA's at the Council Meeting Reception.


2012 CalCPA Council Meeting at the Capitol



CNN Money - Personal Finance - November 16, 2011- Brooke assists to answer a question to the Help Desk from a San Luis Obispo resident, "Should I stay home or work after the baby's born?

Credit Union National Association - Home and Family Finance Radio - July 3, 2011- Paul Berry interviews Brooke in conjunction with Personal Financial Independence Day, and gives advice to gain independence through managing personal finances.



CalCPA - 2011, Brooke Salvini, CPA/PFS, CFP® elected to serve as President for the Board of Directors Central Coast Chapter.


KSBY - San Luis Obispo - December 29, 2010, KSBY.com , Brooke is featured in this media clip for a debt-free 2011. You can also also see the debut of our 2011 Pocket Planner!

WSJ Blog - May 17, 2010, in "Voices" for the Wall Street Journal Blog/Financial Advisors , Brooke talks about her experiences on enlightening clients when challenged to make decisions regarding their financial situation.

KSBY-San Luis Obispo - April 12,2010, KSBY.com , As tax day approaches, Brooke's interview discusses tax tips that can save money.

The Motley Fool - February 2010, partners with the Garrett Planning Network as a trustworthy fee-only financial planning resource. A special offer is available to Motley Fool members at the Fool Labs site.

CalCPA - 2010, Brooke Salvini, CPA/PFS, CFP® elected to serve as Vice President for the Board of Directors Central Coast Chapter.

CalCPA - 2010, Brooke Salvini, CPA/PFS, CFP® appointed to the CalCPA State Commitee for Personal Financial Planning.

Brooke Salvini and Sheryl Garrett in San Luis Obispo, CA
Sheryl Garrett visits Brooke Salvini along the California Coast


Fidelity Investors Publications – August 25, 2009 “ An Education in 529 College Savings Plans ” "You should consider your gift choices carefully," says Brooke Salvini. Gifts of cash, securities, or savings bonds may actually reduce the childs chance of qualifying for financial aid. 529 accounts are counted more favorably for financial aid as an asset of the parent rather than the child.


Kiplinger’s Personal Finance – February 23, 2009 “ Q & A: How a Home fits into the Financial Puzzle ” “Investing in the stock market is just for money that you won’t need for three to five years,” says Brooke Salvini. Don’t risk the money you want to spend on a house in the next few years in the stock market.


Kiplinger’s Personal Finance – February 2009 “ Personal Finance for Military Families ” A comprehensive financial reference guide for those deployed and their families, including saving strategies, tactics, and military specific resources. See Brooke’s comments on page 12 of this article.

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance – January, 2009 “ Special Handling of Sudden Wealth ” Goals and guidelines are offered as to how to best improve your financial situation when you are presented with unexpected money. In this article, Brooke Salvini, a CPA and financial advisor in San Luis Obispo, CA, recommends that you put an influx of cash into a savings account with an online bank such as HSBC or ING Direct, while plotting your next move.



Kiplinger's Personal Finance, December 4, 2008 – " What to Do with a Windfall ", "Brooke Salvini, a CPA and financial adviser in San Luis Obispo, Cal., recommends bumping up emergency funds to cover six to 12 months' worth of expenses, and double that if you or your spouse works in a field that's susceptible to layoffs."

Financial Empowerment Podcasts – a community outreach service of the California Society of CPA's interviews Brooke Salvini, CPA/PFS for the October and September 2008 podcasts covering year–end tax and financial planning ideas.


Brooke advises to lower taxes before year end.

Make a date to plan finances, suggests Brooke.


Investing in an Uncertain Economy for DUMMIES – published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. September 2008. A collection of investment advice from the members of the Garrett Planning Network. TIP #60 and #74 contributed by Salvini Financial Planning.

The Practical Accountant, January 1, 2008 – Spotlight on Salvini Financial Planning .